Aleksandar Tomašević

I’m an Assistant Professor at University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy.

I completed my PhD in 2019 and my main research interests are statistical, computational and machine learning methods in social sciences.

I’m interested in how cooperation and trust emerge and evolve in online communities. I also work on facial expression of emotions in political speeches.

In 2023, I was a Fulbright Visting Scholar at University of Virginia.

Currently I’m the maintainer of transforEmotion R package for sentiment analysis for text, image and video using transformer models with >7k installs on CRAN.

My Erdős number is 4 (A. Tomašević – M. Mitrović Danuklov – G. Caldarelli – B. Bollobás – P. Erdős).

Website with teaching materials (in Serbian) can be found here.

I post occasional updates on X. The easiest and most reliable way to reach me is via email.

New stuff

August 20, 2024

transforEmotion version 1.5 in on Github and CRAN!


Release notes:

August 20, 2024

It’s live! Dynamic exploratory graph analysis of emotions in politics is now published in

Open access link:

August 14, 2024

New version of The Face of Populism: Examining Differences in Facial Emotional Expressions of Political Leaders Using Machine Learning preprint is up on PsyArXiv.

We added an image annotation study with open dataset and code for running your own annotation study.


Github (annotation study):

August 7, 2024

New version of Dynamic Exploratory Graph Analysis of Emotions in Politics preprint is up on PsyArXiv.

This version is accepted in journal, to be published very soon!



June 29, 2024 Talk at Sunbelt 2024 conference.

Slides and code are here:

June 26, 2024

Aspects of Identity Questionnaire-IV: An Examination of Structural Validity, Gender Invariance, and Relationships with Mental Health and Basic Psychological Needs Among Adolescents published in JPA


June 13, 2024

Workshop on Introduction to Python at CoPA Training School at University of Salamanca.

Materials can be found here:


I’m a Linux geek, so naturally I support FOSS in everything I do.

I enjoy coding in R, Python and Julia. I don’t enjoy JavaScript.

Whenever possible I prefer plain text (txt, md, tex) to alternatives. I like to own my files and don’t depend on proprietary software to read them in 5, 10 years or more. I’m also a fan of single text file productivty, you can check out my VSCode extension Working Memory for more details.


Computational Social Science & Complex Networks

Major, S., & Tomašević, A. (2023). The Face of Populism: Examining Differences in Facial Emotional Expressions of Political Leaders Using Machine Learning (arXiv:2304.09914). arXiv.

GitHub repository:

Vranić, A., Tomašević, A., Alorić, A., & Mitrović Dankulov, M. (2023). Sustainability of Stack Exchange Q&A communities: The role of trust. EPJ Data Science, 12(1), Article 1.

GitHub repository:

Network Psychometrics

Dinić, B. M., Sokolovska, V., & Tomašević, A. (2021). The narcissism network and centrality of narcissism features. Current Psychology. <

Dinić, B. M., Wertag, A., Sokolovska, V., & Tomašević, A. (2021). The good, the bad, and the ugly: Revisiting the Dark Core. Current Psychology.

Dinić, B. M., Wertag, A., Tomašević, A., & Sokolovska, V. (2020). Centrality and redundancy of the Dark Tetrad traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 155, 109621.

Sokolovska, V., Dinić, B., & Tomašević, A. (2018). Aggressiveness in the HEXACO personality model. Psihologija, 51(4), 449–468.

Belief Networks

Tomašević, A. (2021). Measuring the influence of beliefs in belief networks. ArXiv:2110.09154 [Physics, Stat].

GitHub repostiory:


Jovanović, V., Lazić, M., Gavrilov-Jerković, V., Obradović, V., Šakan, D., Tomašević, A., & Zotović-Kostić, M. (2024). Aspects of Identity Questionnaire-IV: An examination of structural validity, gender invariance, and relationships with mental health and basic psychological needs among adolescents. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1–13.

Jovanović, V., Tomašević, A., Šakan, D., Lazić, M., Gavrilov-Jerković, V., Zotović-Kostić, M., & Obradović, V. (2024). The role of basic psychological needs in the relationships between identity orientations and adolescent mental health: A protocol for a longitudinal study. PloS One, 19(1), e0296507.



Over the years I’ve consulted with a number of companies and organizations. Most of it is survey design, research and data analysis.Contact me if you’re interested in my services.

Previous clients:

At the start of COVID-19 pandemic I was happy to volunteer for Data Versus Corona in attempt to use R and Shiny to visualize the pandemic.